How To Train A Dog To Find Something

How To Train A Dog To Find Something

This tutorial is part of The Ultimate List Of Dog Trick Ideas which contains 99 other tricks like this!

A trick that consists of your dog searching a room to find his toy, with practice your dog will be able to sniff out his toy in cupboards and at any height. To train this trick you may need a helper to hold your dog so that he can watch you hide the toy.

  1. Have your dog in the doorway and go into the room with his toy whilst he watches you, give your dog lots of encouragement at this point to find the toy.
  2. Pretend to hide the toy in five places around the room touching the furniture as you do so and leave the toy in one of the places. Do not allow your dog to see where you have left the toy.
  3. Return to your dog and show him your empty hands then release him into the room. Use the command word.
  4. He will sniff all around each area that you have touched until he finds his toy, when he does find it reinforce the find, reward then it give him lots of praise and a game.
  5. With practice your dog will search just on hearing the command word.

Top tip; start by hiding the toy in easy and accessible places then build up to more difficult hides.

Dog trainers love this trick because it uses a dog’s energy up both mentally and physically.

Jean Cote

Jean Cote is an animal lover and the founder of Success Dogs. For more than a decade, he has served as a coach to thousands of dog owners around the world to better train, communicate and forge a stronger bond with their dog using positive and force-free training methods.
