How To Train A Dog To Go To Bed

How To Train A Dog To Go To Bed

This tutorial is part of The Ultimate List Of Dog Trick Ideas which contains 99 other tricks like this!

Great and easy to teach telling your dog to go to bed looks extremely impressive particularly when your dog is sent across a large room to seek out his sleeping quarters.

  1. The first thing to do is target your dog to his bed and you can begin this by placing a treat on the bed in view of your dog then leading him away across the room. Place the treat on the bed out of reach of the dog, so he needs to climb onto his bed before getting the treat.
  2. Let go of your dogs collar and allow him to go to the bed and get the treat, stating the command go to bed. When he is fully on his bed reinforce this action and approach you dog with his reward.
  3. Repeat the previous two stages until your dog is running to his bed then stop putting the reward onto the bed, just use the reinforcement and reward when your dog reaches his bed.
  4. Bring the command word forward until your dog is following the command to go to his bed.

Top tip; after teaching this trick you can move the bed around the room to ensure that your dog knows exactly what you mean when you say go to bed. This technique is called targeting.

Dog trainers love this trick because as well as looking good it also provides dog owners some control within the home.

Jean Cote

Jean Cote is an animal lover and the founder of Success Dogs. For more than a decade, he has served as a coach to thousands of dog owners around the world to better train, communicate and forge a stronger bond with their dog using positive and force-free training methods.
