Congratulations on Buying the Good Dog Every Day Program - Your First Step to a Better and Happier Life With Your Dog!
Congratulations on Your First Step to a Better and Happier Life With Your Dog!
You belong to a small group of dog owners who take matters into their own hands.
You took the decision to make your and your dog's life better, happier, and more fulfilling.
And as you are a person who likes to actively "do" things to make changes happen, I make you a special offer exclusive to people who bought the Good Dog Every Day Program.
The MASTER GAME PLAN is reserved for a closed circle of TOP students who are serious about transforming their lives with their dogs.
You might be thinking, "Thanks Jean, I'm happy with my Good Dog Every Day Program for now."
But hear me out.
Because chances are, you'll see the unbeatable value it brings... many of your fellow students enrolled in the Good Dog Every Day Program.
It's a unique program that combines ALL my best-selling courses into one MASTER GAME PLAN!
The courses are built logically and successfully upon each other following your growing skills in training your dog.
After mastering the Good Dog Every Day Program, you'll be the proud owner of a dog that listens to your every command - commands like sit, stay, come, and recall.
That's a big win...
...that sets you apart from most other dog owners and a perfect basis to apply your new dog training skills and take things even further with your dog.
Here the Walk in Harmony Game Plan is your next logical step.
It shows you how to STOP your dog from pulling on the leash...
...and to make your dog walk in perfect harmony with you.
Right by your side. On a loose leash. Paying attention to you and focusing on you.
And just like the Good Dog Every Day Program, it works like magic... matter your dog's age, matter your dog's breed, matter how busy your life is.
This program takes you by the hand and shows you step-by-step how a dog - one that's terrible on the leash - is transformed into a perfect walking dog within ONE month!
Don't believe me?
Watch the short video below to see how HORRIBLE this dog was on the leash when we started with the training.
It was HORRENDOUS to walk this dog!
Now watch this short video of our last training session on day 30.
It's a completely transformed dog, right?
With the Walk in Harmony Game Plan, you can do the same - side by side with me.
And there's a good chance it'll take you even less than the 30 days it took me...
...because after you master the Good Dog Every Day Program, you and your dog are already an all-star team!
This program (Walk In Harmony Game Plan) has shown me how fun and easy it can be to train my dogs. Jean breaks down something as difficult to train as loose leash walking, and makes it into a series of games that are so simple, you won’t even realize your dog is learning something. The process feels natural and playful, with no stress on you or your dog. Why would anyone train their dog any other way? I would highly recommend this program to anyone who is new to training their dog, or who has never used a positive reinforcement program before. He takes the complicated methods and terms that you may have heard from other trainers, but makes them easy to understand and put into practice with your own dog. He will make you feel like a pro, and you will soon be helping all your friends train their dogs as well.
Carol D., British Columbia, Canada
You'll already be an expert who doesn't need to rely on cruel and outdated tools many dog owners use to stop their dogs from pulling on the leash - like prong or choke collars.
You'll know that it's well within your reach to make your dog walk perfectly on the leash with the power of positive reinforcement...
You'll already be an expert who doesn't need to rely on cruel and outdated tools many dog owners use to stop their dogs from pulling on the leash - like prong or choke collars.
You'll know that it's well within your reach to make your dog walk perfectly on the leash with the power of positive reinforcement...
...simply by playing short and fun training games!
Join me and let's transform your dog into a perfect walking dog by upgrading to the MASTER GAME PLAN.
Jean’s “Walk in Harmony” program is one that uses only positive reinforcement, incorporating tricks and play time into each training session, which ultimately builds trust and respect between dog and owner. It does not take too much time and the instructions are very clear and easy to do. I highly recommend this way of training our pets, especially because it’s fun for both parties!
Carol S. Rhode Island, USA
But there's more!
Imagine you with your perfectly trained dog listening to your every command.
Your dog walking cool as a cat - pun intended - with you on a loose leash.
You sharing a closer bond with your dog than ever.
Perfectly working together like a well-oiled machine.
It will feel like a dream come true!
But at this point you'll miss the daily training and the wonderful feeling of permanent improvement and constant achievements.
I talk out of experience. Daily training is going to become a welcome habit. A habit you don't want to miss, and therefore always be looking for new accomplishments.
Introducing the Superhero Game Plan!
The Superhero Game Plan is where you've got the chance to level up to something seen as the elite of dog training.
Here you'll teach your dog those amazing tricks shown on America's Got Talent and sites like YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, or TikTok.
Tricks like the one you can watch in the short video below - a trick I taught a foster dog named Georgia in four short days:
Mind blowing, isn't it?!
It took me only four short days to train her to fetch a drink from the fridge on the command "get a drink."
You think that's impossible?
You think she must have been half there already, as it's not possible to teach a dog to perform such a stunning trick starting from zero within only four days?
Let me show you how Georgia responded to the water bottle in our first training session:
Now, after watching the video of my first session with Georgia, you might wonder how I succeeded in training her such an incredible trick in such a short amount of time.
How is it even possible to teach ANY dog to perform something that seems so complicated?
Is there a special trick involved...
...maybe even some magic?
What if I tell you that there was no trick or magic involved and that Georgia - as cute and clever as she was - wasn't especially "gifted" or talented at all?
Ever since I watched a French Bulldog riding a skateboard on Instagram, I dreamt of teaching my Bully the same. But I didn’t know how to do it or where to start. While searching for information, I found Jean’s course, and after reading what other dog owners achieved with his courses, I bought the Superhero program. It was like having a blueprint to follow to get where I want. Snoop (my dog) isn’t perfect on the board yet, but we’re getting there! I’d definitely recommend it to other dog owners who want to train their dogs cool tricks.
Andrea G., Tampa, FL
What if I tell you that you can teach your dog the exact same thing too, or any other trick like carrying flowers or lunch boxes,
...neatly putting their toys away,
...dancing to your favorite tunes,
...playing chess like a Russian master or
...even riding a skateboard?
And that it can be achieved in a fun and easy way - within a matter of only a few short days?
I know this sounds far too good to be true...
...but trust me, after you master the Good Dog Every Day Program and the Walk in Harmony Game Plan, you got the skills to teach your dog crowd-pleasing tricks like the ones above in a heartbeat...
...and you maybe even want to take things further, training your dog mind-boggling things like playing basketball!
Image source: thepetcollective
Yes, with the Superhero Game Plan, your dog can be the next NBA superstar - in the dog league.
But there's STILL MORE!
Positive reinforcement is by far the best training technique in my opinion, as you are working with the dog in a fun way rather than dominating the dog, and training through fear. I have been to one group training class, and was appalled at their techniques; this is an infinitely superior course. I would definitely recommend this course to any dog owner.
Tanya H., Newcastle upon Tyne, UK
With the MASTER GAME PLAN, you'll get access to everything I created in my 20-plus years as a dog trainer...
...helping more than 10,000 dog owners to enjoy a better, happier, and more fulfilling life with their dogs.
So, on top of my...
...three best-selling video courses:
You’ll get my...
...TOP three eBooks as a GIFT:
In this book, you'll discover how animal trainers train dolphins to jump out of the water using positive reinforcement. And how you can use the same technique to train your dog to do many cool and unique behaviors (and tricks.)
In this book, you'll get insights to my private collection of 21 training games I use with my dogs, and with my private clients, to teach a strong and reliable recall.
In this book, you'll learn my unique training method to teach your puppy where and when you want him to potty. As well as how to handle the unavoidable potty accidents inside your home that are bound to happen.
Let's sum things up...
...with the MASTER GAME PLAN, you'll get instant lifetime access to everything I ever created in my highly successful career as a dog trainer.
The price for this whole package?
The complete MASTER GAME PLAN can be yours today for a small extra payment of only $47 - separate from your tuition you've already paid for your Good Dog Every Day Program.
Enrolling in each program individually would cost you $291 in total. As I regularly charge $97 separately.
But since you've already proved you're committed to training your dog, I'm dropping the price as low as possible, charging only $47!
And as I know from years and years of experience that with the help and guidance of my MASTER GAME PLAN thousands of people just like you realized a SO much better and way more fulfilling life with their dogs... mission is to make this a reality also for you!
And for the unlikely chance you don't like the MASTER GAME PLAN, you get my personal 30 days, no questions asked, 100% money back guarantee.
You already showed that you are a person who likes to act fast.
For sure you know that an offer like this isn't available forever but is only valid while you're on this page.
Don't let this chance pass.
Your chance to completely transform your life with your dog and take training to a whole new level can be yours today.
A level reserved for a small elite of highly skilled dog owners you can become part of today by signing up for the MASTER GAME PLAN!
Granting you full, lifetime access to my three best-selling video courses that guided 1,000s of dog owners to training success with their dogs...
...and three highly valuable eBooks that provided hundreds of thousands of people insights on massively improving their lives with their dogs...
...can be yours now for a small extra payment of $47!
Click now "Take Training My Dog to a Whole New Level."
I'll wait with a small surprise for you right after you signed up on the next page.
I'll wait with a small surprise for you right after you signed up